Erdogan’s path to an islamic turkey…

Erdogan's path to an Islamic turkey...

Fatih Mosque, Bremen. Image: HanFSolo/CC BY-SA 3.0

…and the Islamization of Muslims in Germany. The influence of the Turkish government on the Muslim communities in this country

The introduction of a prasidial system under the rule of Turkey’s autocratic President Erdogan is imminent. With the removal of Prime Minister Davutoglu, the way is open for a dictatorship à la Erdogan. This will lead to the downfall of a once prosperous state on its way to modernity.

Turkish opposition media speak of a coup d’etat. The fact that Erdogan, as President of the Republic, is bound to party-political neutrality according to the treaty has never prevented him from governing beyond the law and the treaty. "He is still the leader of the movement and is also considered so by the party bodies", he says from the AKP.

Another never had a chance without his blessing.

With the announcement to the EU, "Some you, with whom you want", it becomes clear that Erdogan never really had any interest in joining the EU (cf. Erdogan on EU: anti-terror laws will not be changed). He will primarily try to impose his prasidial system through violence against the Kurds as well as against other minorities and the entire political opposition.

This is clearly illustrated by his reassertion one day after Davutoglu’s ouster in Istanbul on Friday: Only a prasidial system would be a stable government "Guarantee of stability and safety". In a televised address, he called for the relevant changes to be made in order to "his people" to be presented for burial as soon as possible".

The AKP is currently 13 votes short of a change of course. With a – then – third new election of the government within 2 years, Erdogan hopes to finally obtain the majority he needs "his people" in the last two elections by electing the left-wing HDP party above the 10 percent threshold.

The HDP will not make it into parliament again, because large parts of its electorate are on the run and the lifting of the immunity of its deputies was recently decided by the votes of the Kemalist CHP after tumultuous arguments in parliament.

Erdogan will also no longer need the CHP when his party finally regains an absolute majority of deputies after new elections. Immediately after Davutoglu’s departure, he shifted the policy towards the EU in his direction by making a clear announcement to the EU not to weaken but to expand his anti-terror laws. In the same manner he will continue to pull Germany and the EU on the nose ring over the political stage.

Erdogan’s religious authority rules in Germany in the Muslim communities

In the future, the politicization of the Sunni Muslim population in Germany will be organized according to Erdogan’s wishes via the state religious authority Diyanet and its German offshoot DITIB.

The Turkish religious office has officially 1.000 imams sent to Germany. New mosques and prayer rooms are being built across the board in Germany by the Turkish government. The imams work in the German communities as preachers and pastors, but also as political agitators for Erdogan.

As a rule, they stay in Germany for only a few years. They spread an Orthodox-Sunni, Ottoman-repressive religious outlook and sometimes even whore anti-Semitism. German security authorities are alarmed.

A children’s comic published by the religious authorities, which openly glorifies martyrdom, caused quite a stir in the German and Austrian public at the end of March and beginning of April. The government-critical newspaper Cumhuriyet had previously pointed out the jihad-incitement comic of the state authority.

In the picture story, a father describes to his son what it is like to die as a martyr for his convictions. When asked by his son if he also wanted to be a martyr, the father replies: "Of course I want that. Who did not like to go to paradise?" Elsewhere a girl says: "I wish I could also become a martyr." The mother: "If you want it so eagerly, Allah will open a way for you – if he wants – and reward you".

The "Debate Magazine" The European quotes the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, where psychologist Serdar Degirmencioglu criticizes that religion has become a political tool in recent years. It warns against the use of such messages to children. "The children will grow up and they will run to their deaths if those in power tell them to."

The renowned psychology professor, who taught at a private university in Istanbul, has now also been suspended for his critical stance and is awaiting trial, which is scheduled for November.

Erdogan’s Lawyer Obtains Censorship of German Book Critical of Islam

The Munich lawyer Sprenger, who also represents Erdogan in the Bohmermann case, obtained an injunction before the Munich Regional Court to blacken a paragraph of the book published by Herder-Verlag "Emancipation in Islam" by Sineb El Masrar. The Islamic association Millî Gorus (IGMG), known as militant, had filed the complaint.

The book published by her in 2010 "Muslim Girls" publicist was a member of the German Islam Conference from 2010 to 2013. In her book at the time, she wrote about the lives of Muslim women in Germany. In her newly published book "Emancipation in Islam" The author calls on Muslim women to lead a self-determined and emancipated life.

In doing so, she criticizes the Muslim organizations and associations active in Germany for not aming any responsibility of their own and for leaving the sovereignty of interpretation of Islam to the Islamists. The black text passage refers to the Islamic association Millî Gorus.

According to a report in Die Welt in 2010, the association is said to have supported the radical Islamic Hamas through the IHH (International Humanitarian Aid Organization) with donations amounting to 6.6 million euros. According to the newspaper, high-ranking Millî Gorus functionaries are said to have controlled the transactions.